Object of the Month


A Plan of Boston in New England with its Environs, including Milton, Dorchester, Roxbury, Brooklin [sic], Cambridge, Medford, Charlestown, Parts of Malden and Chelsea, 还有1775年和1776年在这些地方建造的军事工程

A Plan of Boston in New England with its Environs, including Milton, Dorchester, Roxbury, Brooklin [sic], Cambridge, Medford, Charlestown, Parts of Malden and Chelsea, 1775年和1776年在这些地方修建了军事工厂

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[ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

这里展示的地图是亨利·佩勒姆(Henry Pelham)于1775年绘制的地图的1907年复制品,1777年在英国出版,描绘了美国独立战争早期的波士顿及其周边地区. 1791年威廉·都铎(William Tudor)赠送给MHS的原始地图是最早的礼物之一.

A Loyalist in Revolutionary Boston

In 1914, 马萨诸塞州历史学会出版了大量亨利·佩勒姆之间的信件, 他同父异母的兄弟艺术家约翰·辛格尔顿·科普利和嫂子苏珊娜·科普利在伦敦, and others in their circle of friends. 这些信件不仅提供了对科普利和佩勒姆艺术生涯的深入了解, 而是从保皇派的角度,提供一个内部人士对革命波士顿生活的看法. Letters between the brothers crisscrossed the Atlantic, 详细描述了殖民地与其母国之间不断升级的冲突(至少在佩勒姆发现他的邮件被打开和阅读之前). Pelham and others in his circle were staunch Loyalists, 这一立场最终危及了他的生计,迫使他离开了出生地. 在1774年的一封信中,佩勒姆描述了在马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德的一家酒馆停下来的情景., where he and his friends were outed as Tories

We had not been long at the Tavern where we put up at for the night, 那天出去打松鼠的一行二十四人, mett there to divide their booty, which raised a quarrel among them. 再加上喝了大量的利口酒,他们变得又吵又闹. Worthington and Mr. Bliss, two Friends of Government, coming out of our Room and passing th[r]o theirs, drew all this Resentment against us. 他们说他(酒馆老板)家里有一大袋托利烟,他们要把我们赶出去. Resistance on our part increased the tumult on theirs. They loaded and fired their muskets … which continued near two hours. 最后,有一个人比其余的人更心平气和,劝他们走开过夜, and in the morn’g insist upon our mak’g an Acknowledgment of our offences, and recant our principles.

Pelham and his party decamped before their attackers arose the next morning, and although he states that the situation “afforded me some amusement,” it was almost certainly only funny in hindsight.

Back in Boston, 佩勒姆很快发现,他的保皇派倾向直接导致了佣金的缺乏, 1775年5月,他向科普利抱怨道:“长久以来,这个国家的人民就把每一个人都贴上托利党的标签,认为他们是对美国自由的敌人,只要他们不愿意在他们的计划中竭尽所能,不管他们多么疯狂.” In July, Pelham wrote that his business had entirely dried up, adding:

To fill up time I have begun a Survey of Charlestown, for which I have permission from Gen’l Gage and Gen’l Howe, 他们很有礼貌地给我发了一张通票,通票发给所有指挥近卫军的军官,让我进出查尔斯顿. Gen’l Howe, to assist me in the laborious part of Measuring, has kindly put a Sarjant and his Men under my Command. 这个计划完成后会让你对后期的战斗有一个很好的了解……我经常经过[约瑟夫]沃伦医生的坟墓. I felt a disagreeable Sensation, 这样,他就看到了一个老熟人,一个城人,由于无限的野心而过早地死去,也就认识到,对权力和统治的贪欲给他自己带来了毁灭,部分地是通过他的手段给这个不幸的国家带来的毁灭. I would wish to forget his principles to Lament his Fate.

查尔斯顿的规划后来被纳入波士顿及其周边地区的大地图中. It displays Pelham’s intimate knowledge of the area, detailing the locations not only of military installations like forts, powder magazines, and redoubts, but also of churches, wharves, the State House, Faneuil Hall, Harvard College, 以及剑桥Brattle街著名保皇党成员的住所. 左上角是英国当局发给佩勒姆的通行证副本,允许他不受干扰地越过敌人的防线,“拍摄波士顿城镇的平面图” & Charlestown and of the Rebel works round those places.” Soon after surveying the countryside, Pelham left to join his family in England, where his map was published in 1777.

An earlier battle with a patriot

Five years before Henry Pelham drew this map of Boston, he waged his own battle with none other than Paul Revere. In the days following the Boston Massacre, Pelham produced an image of the fray, entitling it “The Fruits of Arbitrary Power.以熟悉的英国士兵向手无寸铁的市民开火的场景为特色, 显然,佩勒姆的版画俘获了里维尔的想象力,以至于他忍不住将其盗版(稍加修改),并在佩勒姆为自己的版画做广告之前将其推向市场,这让佩勒姆非常懊恼. 愤怒的佩勒姆写信给里维尔,毫不含糊地表达了他的不满:

Thursday Morng. Boston, March 29, 1770. Sir, When I heard that you was cutting a plate of the late Murder, 我认为这是不可能的,因为我知道你不可能做到这一点,除非你从我的书中抄来,因为我认为我把它委托给了一个更尊重荣誉和正义的人,而不是利用你对我的信任和信任. 但我发现我错了,在付出了巨大的麻烦和费用后,设计支付了纸张, printing &c. 我发现自己不仅被剥夺了我所建议的好处,甚至连我所花的钱也被剥夺了, as truly as if you had plundered me on the highway. 如果你没有意识到这个法案给你自己带来的耻辱, the World will not be so. However, 我让你反思和考虑你可能犯下的最不光彩的行为之一.

It is unclear what—if any—response Revere made to Pelham. Regardless, it is Revere’s image we see when we think of the Boston Massacre, no doubt adding to Pelham’s distaste for the Revolution and its adherents.

Who was Henry Pelham?

亨利·佩勒姆于1749年出生于波士顿,父母是版画艺术家彼得·佩勒姆和他的第三任妻子, Mary Singleton Copley, mother of painter John Singleton Copley. 亨利就读于波士顿拉丁学校,并在革命前成为肖像画家和微型画家. 佩勒姆于1776年离开波士顿,与科普利和他的其他家庭成员在英国会合. 后来他移居爱尔兰,在那里继续他的艺术生涯,并与凯瑟琳·巴特勒结婚, who died after giving birth to twin sons. Pelham died in 1806 when his boat capsized in the Kenmare River in Ireland, as he was supervising the construction of a tower.

For further reading

Letters & 约翰·辛格尔顿·科普利和亨利·佩勒姆的论文,1739-1776年,波士顿:马萨诸塞州历史学会, 1914, reprinted New York: Kennedy Graphics Inc. and Da Capo Press, 1970.

Pelham’s and Revere’s competing Boston Massacre engravings, along with other examples, are available to view at the MHS website Perspectives on the Boston Massacre.

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